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What is an e-book? 

An e-book is an electronic version of a work of fiction or nonfiction that you can scroll through as you would a page on the internet. You can download these books to your computer and read them on your screen, or save the file to your PDA or e-book reader. E-books can be downloaded in a variety of formats such as plain text, HTML or PDF. They may be scanned images of the original book (PDF) or simple typed pages (HTML and plain text).

What is an audio book? 

An audio book is a book that has been read onto disc or other format. On the internet, there are many sites where you can download audio books for a price. Listed here are those that are free.

Link Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is the oldest producer of free ebooks on the Internet and contains over 18,000 free e-books by a variety of authors in three general categories. Light Literature Classics and Reference Works. Books can be searched for by title and author. With the advanced search options you can search by subject, and limit your search by language or file type. In addition, Project Gutenberg offers audio books, sheet music and works in other languages. Nearly all PDAs and eBook readers can display the Project Gutenberg plain text (.txt) files. Most can display HTML (.htm) and PDF files, as well. A small number of Project Gutenberg files are available in .prc and .lit format.

Link ibiblio: the public's library and digital archive
A collaboration of the Center for the Public Domain and The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, ibiblio is a "collections of collections" - an archive of free information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies.

Link Digital BookIndex
A search tool for many ebook sites which allows you to search by author, title, subject, keyword, author & title, browse through lists and choose the download format of your choice. While this site duplicates and links to many existing free e-book databases, it provides an extremely user friendly interface to search for book titles.

Link Bartleby: Great Books Online
Bartleby?s provides a wide range of fiction including full text poetry anthologies, out of print fiction and non-fiction titles. For ease of use, the site provides tabs that link you to different categories. Bartleby?s also provides access to free full-text reference resources such as Grey's Anatomy, Strunk's Elements of Style, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, Columbia Encyclopedia and Roget's II: The New Thesaurus.

Link The Online Books Page
The Online books page has over 25,000 free downloadable books, collections and serials available in PDF, HTML and other formats. The "Features" section provides "special exhibits" or collections of online book links by theme such as women writers, banned books has links to prize winning books and special exhibits on themes It lists each year's winner and provides a link so you can find a copy of the text. The "Archives and Indexes" section provides links for foreign language and specialty titles.

Link Free Books
An excellent guide to free e-book libraries produced throughout the world, offering titles in science, religion and sacred texts, myths and legends, languages and reference. HTML versions of books can be read on your personal computer or laptop using any web browser, or downloaded to many handheld devices. Books formatted in PDF may be read with the Adobe Reader. For titles presented in the Microsoft Reader format use the Microsoft Reader software. For Palm & Palm Doc format e-books you can use the Palm eReader.

Link Electronic Text Center: Free EBook Library
This well-selected, searchable e-book collection is provided by the University of Virginia's e-text centre. It contains a collection of 2,100 works that can be searched by title, subject, or author. This site also offers staff picks and a bestseller list of the most downloaded books. Download to your computer and also available for Microsoft Reader and Palm Pilots.

Link Google Books
Google book search is meant for you to browse books - new and old - providing you with either the full book view, a snippet of the book or just a listing with no content (depending on copyright restrictions). Google Book Search finds pretty much any kind of book you can imagine: fiction, non-fiction, reference, scholarly, textbooks, children's books, scientific, medical, professional, educational, and other books of all kinds. As they add books from library partners, book selection will continue to increase, and you'll also be able to find out-of-print, rare, and public domain books. Search by topic or title and you can search within a book as well.

Link Web Books
This site offers a selection of fiction and non-fiction works that can be searched by subject heading - i.e. engineering, classics, reference and science. With over 1000 titles for free, online reading with no registration is required and no ads are included. The downloadable version is in EXE or ZIP format (collectively called web-books). The EXE format can be viewed by Internet Explorer. The ZIP format is a collection of HTML files that can be viewed by any device (laptops, PDA, smartphone, etc.) with a web browser.

Link Bibliomania
Bibliomania has 2,000 e-books to choose from, including reference books, biographies, classic non-fiction, fiction and religious texts. This site has a study link which offers a selection of study guides to various literary works. Bibliomania allows you to search for books by theme or genre. You can choose from themes like action and adventure, children's fiction, modernism, politics, and romance. Texts are searchable by phrase (e.g. "alas poor Yorick").

Link Internet Public Library Reading Room
The Internet Public Library offers a catalogue of links to free e-book sites. These sites range in interest from mythology, Aesop's fables, great literature and Shakespeare.

Link Free Books to Read Audio Library
Free Books to Read is simple and easy to use. To find the e-book of your choice simply click on any letter of the alphabet. This will lead you to a screen with titles starting with that letter. Click on the link and you can read your e-book. This site has another very nice feature; it will read the book to you.

Link Read easily Ebooks Online Library
This site offers a wide selection of literary works and provides a brief biography for each author. Texts are available for the visually impaired. To do this, the site allows you to change the size and colour of the text. This digital library has been designed to provide an adaptive reading experience! Just click on "set display" and select the font size, font color and background color

Link Perseus Digital Library
If you're into Classics this is the site for you! Project Perseus offers free copies of classic works by such authors as Demosthenes, Cicero, Euripides, Hesiod, and Plato and on and on. Besides these primary works, there are also commentaries and histories by modern classicists.

Link Internet Classics Archive
Over 400 classical works by 59 different authors, mainly Greco-Roman (some Chinese and Persian) all in English translation.

Link Great Books and Classics
This site pulls together several classics sites into one list of selections.

Link Aesop's Fables
This collection of Aesop's Fables includes a total of 655+ Fables. Also included are Real Audio narrations, 127 Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen with 209 Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Link MIT Complete Works of Shakespeare
All the plays in HTML format, but with no searching ability at this time.

Link Google Shakespeare
The complete plays of Shakespeare, fully searchable by phrase. Want to know how often tyranny is mentioned in The Tempest? Search the book and you will be taken to each page.

Audio Books
Link Literal Systems Audio Books
LiteralSystems audiobooks are mp3 file recordings of human-voiced readings and performances of classic literary works, download to your itunes, ipod or windows media player.

Link Free Classic Audio Books
This site has a short list of audio books that can be downloaded in an mp3 format or onto your ipod. The site also offers an interesting feature of text with narration.

Link Audiobooks For Free
Audiobooksforfree is a fantastic site that offers a wide selection of free fiction and nonfiction audio books. The fiction section offers audio books in many different genres such as adventure, westerns, classics and mysteries. A children's area offers jokes, fairy tales, science and folktale books. The site also has a large selection of adult non fiction from poetry to philosophy and humor.

Link Librivox
Librivox's mission statement is to make all public domain books available as free audiobooks. This site offers a selection of fiction, poetry, short works and works in other languages in an audio book format.

Link Free Books to Read
This site offers free e-books, but it will also read your e-book to you. To find your desired title, click on the letter of the alphabet your book corresponds with and then find your title.

Link Audio Book Radio
Audiobookradio is an online radio station that broadcasts audio books. The site offers a selection of audio books that play 24/7. To check when a title will be read just look at the program schedule

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