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The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) is a professional body representing librarians and other information professionals in the United Kingdom.

It was formed in 2002 by the merger of the Library Association (abbreviated to LA or sometimes LAUK) – founded in 1877 as a result of the first International Conference of Librarians and awarded a Royal Charter in 1898 and the Institute of Information Scientists, founded in 1958. Membership is not compulsory for practice, but members can work towards Chartered Membership which entitles them to the postnominal letters MCLIP, and subsequently toward Fellowship (FCLIP) [sic]. Affiliated members can also obtain ACLIP upon completing certification. Honorary Fellowship (HonFCLIP or FCLIP(hc)), a qualification akin to an honorary degree, is granted to a small number of people who have rendered distinguished service to the profession.

CILIP accredits degree programmes in library and information science at universities in the UK, including City University, London, Loughborough University, the Manchester Metropolitan University, the Robert Gordon University, the University of Sheffield and University College London.

CILIP is perhaps best known to the general public for awarding the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals for children's books.

CILIP publishes a monthly magazine, CILIP Update with Gazette, including listings of job vacancies. It also runs a publishing imprint, Facet Publishing. There are several local branches across the United Kingdom, 28 special interest groups and over 20 organisations in liaison including such bodies as the African Caribbean Library Association, the Librarians' Christian Fellowship and the Society of Indexers.

CILIP hosts a conference every two years called "Umbrella" (containing 'LA' the acronym of the Library Association). Umbrella 2009 was held in Hertfordshire and so was Umbrella 2011 (July 12-13 at Hatfield). The title is abbreviated from "Under One UmbrelLA" a Library Association event held every two years

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