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Difference Between Bibliography and References

Bibliography is listing all the materials that have been consulted while writing an essay or a book. References, on the other hand, are those that have been referenced in your article or book.
You might have consulted a lot of books, essays and websites for writing something. Though you might have referred to these while preparing a write up, the content of these might not have been included in the actual text. This is what refers to bibliography. References are those that are directly included in your actual text.
While references are cited directly in the text, bibliography is not cited directly in the text. While references can be used to support your statement or argument, a bibliography does not have such roles. As such references are used for establishing something in a more authoritative way. Readers could refer your references and evaluate the correctness of your statement. Meanwhile, bibliography does not support your argument but you only refer them in a personal way.
A bibliography will contain all research materials, including books, magazines, periodicals, websites and scientific papers, which you have referred. References contain source of material like quotes or texts, which has been actually used when writing an essay or book.
Both bibliography and references appear at the end of a document. But bibliography comes after the reference list. A bibliography may contain all those that have appeared in the reference list but it may also contain additional works.
Both bibliography and references are arranged alphabetically. But a Reference list can also be arranged in Numeric style, which means arranging the references according to the numbers in the text.
While writing a bibliography, you should have to include the authors last and first name, year of publication, name of the book, publication place and name of publishers. Well, a reference page can be called as a footnote where your just write the book or website and the year of publication or the date when you looked at the website.

1.Bibliography is listing all the materials that have been consulted while writing an essay or a book. References, on the other hand, are those that have been referenced in your article or book.
2.Bibliography is not directly included in the text. References are those that are directly included in your actual text.
3.Both bibliography and references are arranged alphabetically. But a Reference list can also be arranged in Numeric style,

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