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IASLIC launches Research in Progress (RiP)

IASLIC has launched compilation of a register of Research in Progress (RiP) from October 2012. The initiative will collate and publish information on on-going research in the discipline of Library & Information Science in India. It is envisaged that RiP will contribute towards promotion of research by facilitating visibility of research in progress, avoid duplication of research efforts and encourage interaction amongst researchers.
The collected information will be disseminated through IASLIC Newsletter regularly and its’ website.
It will cover only on-going and future research at Ph.D level, in LIS alone, in India. Future registrations may be reported as and when they take place. Five simple questions on the research candidate, topic, proposal, registration and guide would be collected. Information can be sent by the Heads of Departments or the candidate himself/herself.

On top of this announcement, Secretary, IASLIC will be sending letters to heads of LIS departments of all universities shortly inviting responses. 

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