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The National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC), established in year 2009, is a network of libraries and information centres of 39 CSIR and 4DST institutes. NKRC's origin goes back to the year 2001, when the CSIR set up the Electronic Journals Consortium to provide access to 1200 odd journals of Elsevier Science to all its users. Over a period of time, the Consortium not only grew in terms of the number of resources but also in terms of the number of users as more like-minded institutes evinced interest to join the Consortium.
Today, NKRC facilitates access to 5,000+ e-journals of all major publishers, patents, standards, citation and bibliographic databases. Apart from licensed resources, NKRC is also a single point entity that provides its users with access to a multitude of open access resources. The Consortium envisions emerging as a leader to serve the R&D sector with much needed information to strengthen the research and development system in the country.
Oral communication has been an integral part of people to people interactions in all ancient civilizations. With the advancement of science and technology, the process of communication has been expanded over the years to cover print and other modes like computer and associated gadgets.
India is predominantly an agrarian country, and the growth of agriculture is reflected in the good yields of different crops that depend on various factors – natural and man-made. Agricultural research, the backbone of agricultural growth in the country, demands timely dissemination of knowledge being generated and updated across the globe from time to time. Institutions in NARS, by and large, have been procuring print versions of journals and literature in aid of science and technology. With the rapid growth of internet facilities and advancement of web technology, almost all reputed international journals are available on-line and can be accessed by researchers over the network.
Since ICAR is having network connectivity across institutes and state agricultural universities, select journals could be made available over the network for the use of scientific community. Accordingly, the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) has funded for establishing the Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in November 2007 for facilitating accessibility of scientific journals to all researchers / teachers in the National Agricultural Research System by providing access to information specially access to journals online which is crucial for having excellence in research and teaching.

DBT e-Library Consortium (DeLCON) is a unique Electronic Journal Consortium which is operational since January 2009. Currently the Consortium includes 16 DBT Institutions including ICGEB, New Delhi and 18 North Eastern Region (NER) Institutions. The Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), New Delhi is also part of DeLCON. Now, the total 'DeLCON Members' are 34. A total of 926 selective Journals and a Database (SCOPUS) are covered under DeLCON. These all are accessible by the DeLCON Consortium Members through the DeLCON Portal ( Others can also view and access abstracts of papers as free of costs.

The Forum for Resource Sharing in Astronomy & Astrophysics (FORSA) came into existence in the year 1982, for sharing the reources available in astronomy libraries in the country. In 2004, this group has extended its membership to Physics and Maths libraries in the country who have common interests to carry forward the aim of FORSA and its activities. Currently FORSA has twelve members and it works towards the goals and services which the founder members have started.

The IIM library consortium is a collective activity of all six IIM libraries towards a common goal of sharing resources. With the availability of the state-of-the art information technology solutions and the web revolution, the IIM libraries in India are now better off in terms of easy access to a wealth of information through meaningful co-operation among themselves.
The year 2000 was a landmark in the history of IIMs, with the formation of the IIM Consortia. IIMK took leadership in the formation of the IIM Consortia, and had the first meeting in Calicut. The objective was to ensure among the IIMs, optimum utilization and enhancement of the resources, and to minimise the expenditure by consortia based subscriptions to the commonly subscribed databases and journals. The idea was to approach publishers of CD-ROM Databases to begin with, as a consortia, for better pricing and services. Eventually, other digital databases and journals were also planned to be covered by the programme. The meetings were proved to be very productive and successful. During the first meeting itself, a host of databases were jointly purchased at very competitive prices, and a number of others promised supply of their products at a nominal cost.
Having convinced at the immense potential of oncosrtium based library subscriptions, during 2002, the Ministry of HRD (GOI) took initiative and launched the national level INDEST Consortium for the benefit of all MHRD funded insitutions. IIMs are major stakeholders in the INDEST Consortium and over 11 international products and services are provided to the IIM Consrtium by the INDEST
IIM/INDEST Consortia have the disctinction of representation of almost all major publishers in the field of Management such as Elsevier, Kluwer, John Wiley, Blackwell, Taylor & Francis, and MCB University Press (Emerald Full-Text Intelligent Library). Also world renowned aggregators such as EBSCO and PROQUEST and a number of Corporate Information content providers/vendors participate in the Consortium. The end result has been highly praiseworthy, that over 1050 E-journals directly are sourced from various publishers and over 10000 aggregated full-text E-Journals, IIMs are able to get online access across all the campuses, by paying a nominal additional amount.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has set-up the "Indian National Digital Library in Engineering Sciences and Technology (INDEST) Consortium" on the recommendation made by the Expert Group appointed by the ministry under the chairmanship of Prof. N. Balakrishnan. The Ministry provides funds required for subscription to electronic resources for (60) institutions including IISc, IITs, NITs, IIMs and a few other centrally-funded Government institutions through the consortium headquarters set-up at the IIT Delhi. Besides, (8) Government or Government-aided engineering colleges and technical departments in universities have joined the Consortium with financial support from the AICTE. Moreover, the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, as an open-ended proposition, welcomes other institutions to join it on their own for sharing benefits it offers in terms of highly discounted rates of subscription and better terms of agreement with the publishers. All electronic resources being subscribed are available from the publisher’s Website. The Consortium has an active mailing list and a Web site hosted at the IIT Delhi. The INDEST-AICTE Consortium is the most ambitious initiative taken so far in the country. The benefit of consortia-based subscription to electronic resources is not confined to 38 major technological institutions in the country but is also extended to all AICTE-accredited and UGC-affiliated institutions. (60) engineering colleges and institutions have already joined the consortium on their own. Recently (1245) engineering colleges and institutions joined under self support- new scheme.

HELINET stands for Health Science Library and Information Network conceived by the University and successfully implemented which is first of its kind in the country. The consortium was started with a vision to improve the quality of education and research in the Health Science institutions of the state through enhanced access to high quality medical information. HELINETs goal is to deliver information to users’ desk-top, with round-the-clock access.
The major benefit of this consortium was expanded access to core international e-journals. Before the launch of the consortium, access to foreign medical journals by each college was limited to around 100. HELINET has made it possible for each college to access and share the contents in more than 600 journals, in effect increasing the access provision by 6-times.

In India, a number of library consortia operate to share e-resources among member libraries to serve their users. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology oversees the MCIT Library Consortium to subscribe to and share e-resources at highly discounted rates, and to extend to its services to various organisations and institutions under its umbrella. Three departments of the MCIT, namely the Department of Information Technology(DIT), the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) and the Department of Posts (DOP), administer the program. Important member consortia include the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, UGC Infonet, the CSIR Consortium, and FORSA.
Beneficiaries of the consortium include the NIC, NKN,     DEITY, CDAC, DOEACC, SAMEER, STQC, STPI, ERNET INDIA, C-DOT, and others. The e-Resources currently subscribed to by the consortium are IEEE/IEE Electronic Library, ACM Digital Library, and ISO/IEC Standards. The consortium had operated continuously since 2005. Its headquarters are at the Department of Information Technology in New Delhi.

The UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium was formally launched in December, 2003 by Honourable Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, the President of India soon after providing the Internet connectivity to the universities in the year 2003 under the UGC-Infonet programme. The Consortium proved to be a recipe to university libraries which have been discontinuing subscription of scholarly journals because of "Serials Crisis". The term "serials crisis" refers to exponential and continuing increase in subscription cost of scholarly journals. The crisis is a result of rise in cost of journals much faster than the rate of inflation, increase in number of journals and the paucity of funds available to the libraries
The Consortium provides current as well as archival access to more than 7500+ core and peer-reviewed journals and 10 bibliographic databases from 26 publishers and aggregators in different disciplines. The programme has been implemented in phased manner. In the first phase that began in 2004, access to e-resources was provided to 50 universities who had Internet connectivity under the UGC-Infonet Connectivity programme of the UGC. In the second phase, 50 more universities were added to the programme in the year 2005. So far 209 Universities including 14 National Law schools and central universities that come under the purview of UGC, have been provided differential access to subscribed e-resources. These e-resources covers almost all subject disciplines including arts, humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, chemical Sciences, life sciences, computer sciences, mathematics and statistics, etc. The programme is wholly funded by the UGC and executed by the INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network) Centre, Gandhinagar.

The benefit of subscription to e-resources would also be extended to the colleges, to begin with the College for Potential with Excellence (CPE) and autonomous colleges. The Consortium has also launched its "Associate Membership Programme" wherein private universities and other research organizations are welcomed to join the Consortium for selected e-resources.

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