

Advanced Koha: (05-11 April, 2025) - Hindi -    Apply before 25-03-2025 to avail Rs. 200 (25%) discount 👉 Register Now!

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1) Hybrid library deals with
(A) Print Collection      (B) Digital Collection
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above

2) Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is now looked after by?
(A) UNESCO              (B) CILIP
(C) ALA                     (D) OCLC

3) Which type of books should be weeded in a library?
(A) Superseded editions        (B) Theasurus
(C) Dictionary                        (D) Encyclopaedia

4) The Library of Congress Classification system divides human knowledge into
(A) 20 major classes.   (B) 21 major classes.
(C) 25 major classes.   (D) 30 major classes.

5) The Delivery of Books (Public Libraries) Act, 1954 was not implemented in
(A) Assam                   (B) Jammu and Kashmir
(C) Haryana                (D) Delhi

6) According to General Financial Rules, 2005, loss of how many volumes per thousand volumes issued / consulted in a year is to be taken as reasonable.
(A) Three                     (B) Four
(C) Five                      (D) Six

7) According to Ranganathan, many collections lose its relevance in how many years?
(A) 20 years.               (B) 30 years
(C) 40 Years                (D) 50 years.

8) Annual withdrawals from the collection should average at least how many percent of the total collection.
(A) 5%                        (B) 10%
(C) 15%                       (D) 20%

9) The word “Archives” is most relevant to
(A) Historical material (B) National bibliography
(C) Free of charge       (D) Family members

10) The word “Referral service” is most relevant to
(A) Database search service
(B) Inter Library Loan
(C) Information scouting
(D) Retrospective searching

11) Which of the following is a Library Management Software?
(A) LibSys 7               (B) EPrints
(C) Joomla                   (D) Drupal

12) Which of the following is an Open Source Software?
(A) E-Granthalaya      (B) SOUL 2.0
(C) Koha                    (D) LibSys 7

13) WorldCat is maintained by
 (A) Library of Congress
(B) Online Library Center
(C) American Library Association
(D) None of the above

14) Shannon and Weaver related to
(A) Psycho-biology of language: An introduction to dynamic philosophy
(B) Information is data of value to decision making
(C) Mathematical Theory of Information
(D) Bradfords Law of Information

15) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan related to
(A) The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India
(B) The first professionally qualified university librarian in India
(C) He for the first time in India, DDC and AACR rule introduced.
(D) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata)

16) First university to introduce MPhil and PhD in LIS in India
(A) Aligarh Muslim University
(B) University of Calcutta
(C) University of Delhi
(D) University of Madras

17) UGC Curriculum Development Committee formed in
(A) 1993                      (B) 1991
(C) 1968                      (D) 1989

18) Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine related to
(A) Sears List of Subject Heading
(B) Library of Congress Classification System
(D) Dictionary Catalogue

19) Berne Convention and Universal Copyright Convention was revised in Paris in
(A) 1949                      (B) 1952
(C) 1971                      (D) 1931

20) The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was revised in
(A) 1956                      (B) 1931
(C) 1972                      (D) 1972

21) Which of the following is a social network?
(A) BUBL Link          (B) LIS Links
(C) Intute                    (D) DMOZ

22) Koha was developed at
(A) Katipo Communications Ltd, New Zealand
(B) University of Waikato, New Zealand.
(C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) libraries & Hewlett-Packard labs
(D) Wikimedia Foundation

23) C. W. Hanson
(A) Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach.
(B) Divides documentary sources of information into primary and secondary.
(C) Divides documentary sources of information into primary, secondary and tertiary.
(D) Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and meta document.

 24) The First and Oldest University Library was established in British India at
(A) University of Delhi
(B) Calcutta University
(C) Aligarh Muslim University
(D) University of Madras

25) Deleted email can be found in the
(A) Trash folder        (B) Inbox folder
(C) Starred folder       (D) Spam folder

26) RDA related to
(A) Classification        (B) Cataloguing
(C) Searching              (D) Browsing

27) George Kingsely Zipf related to
(A) Psycho-biology of language: An introduction to dynamic philosophy
(B) Mathematical Theory of Information
(C) Information is data of value to decision making
(D) Bradfords Law of Information

28) WIPO was established by the WIPO Convention in
(A) 1977                      (B) 1944
(C) 1954                      (D) 1967

29) Alireza Noruzi related to
(A) Application of Ranganathan's Laws to the Web
(B) The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India
(C) Our Singular Strengths
(D) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata)

30) E. B. Ross related to
(A) Ranganathan formulated his first law of library from his casual hint.
(B) Library legislation
(C) Living with book
(D) Zero Based Budget

31) Denis Grogan
(A) Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach.
(B) Divides documentary sources of information into primary and secondary.
(C) Divides documentary sources of information into primary, secondary and tertiary.
(D) Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and meta document.

32) Reference and information service is most relevant to
(A) Referral Service     (B) SDI
(C) CAS                     (D) Retrospective searching

33) Which of the following is an Institutional Repository Software Package?
(A) Joomla                  (B) EPrints
(C) Koha                     (D) Drupal

34) First library act was enacted in Great Britain in
(A) 1847                                  (B) 1850
(C) 1867                                  (D) 1840

35) Michael Gorman related to
(A) Application of Ranganathan's Laws to the Web
(B) The disciple of Melvil Dewey who worked in India
(C) Our Singular Strengths
(D) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata)

36) Dr. Nihar Ranjan Roy related to
(A) Application of Ranganathan's Laws to the Web
(B) The first professionally qualified university librarian in India
(C) He for the first time in India, DDC and AACR rule introduced.
(D) The first librarian of the Imperial Library (now National Library, Kolkata)

37) M. C. Yovits related to
(A) Psycho-biology of language: An introduction to dynamic philosophy
(B) Information is data of value to decision making
(C) Mathematical Theory of Information
(D) Bradfords Law of Information

38) First B.Lib. Science Course was introduced in
(A) Aligarh Muslim University
(B) University of Calcutta
(C) University of Delhi
(D) University of Madras

39) J. C. M. Hanson related to
(A) Sears List of Subject Heading
(B) Library of Congress Classification System
(D) Dictionary Catalogue

40) Universal Copyright conventions was in
(A) 1949                      (B) 1952                     
(C) 1971                      (D) 1931

41) The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto first issued in
(A) 1949                      (B) 1952
(C) 1971                      (D) 1931

42) Which of the following is not a web browser?
(A) Firefox                  (B) Internet Explorer
(C) Google Chrome    (D) DMOZ

43) Haines related to
(A) Ranganathan formulated his first law of library from his casual hint.
(B) Library legislation
(C) Living with book
(D) Zero Based Budget

44) Which of the following is not a Learning Management System (LMS)
(A) Moodle                 (B) Claroline
(C) Drupal                 (D) ATutor

45) DSpace was developed at
(A) Katipo Communications Ltd, New Zealand
(B) University of Waikato, New Zealand.
(C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) libraries & Hewlett-Packard labs
(D) Wikimedia Foundation

46) Melvin J. Voigt
(A) Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach.
(B) Divides documentary sources of information into primary and secondary.
(C) Divides documentary sources of information into primary, secondary and tertiary.
(D) Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and meta document.

47) GSDL was developed at
(A) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) libraries & Hewlett-Packard labs
(B) Katipo Communications Ltd, New Zealand
(C) University of Waikato, New Zealand.
(D) Wikimedia Foundation

48) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan
(A) Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and exhaustive approach.
(B) Divides documentary sources of information into primary and secondary.
(C) Divides documentary sources of information into primary, secondary and tertiary.
(D) Classified documentary sources of information into Conventional, Neo Conventional, Non Conventional and meta document.

49) The head office of Good Offices Committee is at
(A) Kolkata                 (B) New Delhi
(C) Bangalore              (D) Chennai

 50) The first university to establish a full-fledged Department of Library Science
(A) University of Delhi
(B) Calcutta University
(C) Aligarh Muslim University
(D) University of Madras

51) Berne convention was adopted in the year :
 (A) 1911                     (B) 1886
(C) 1900                      (D) 1947

52) FID was dissolved in the year :
 A) 2002                      (B) 2005
(C) 2000                      (D) 2003

53) Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service?
 (A) C. M. Winchell    (B) S. R. Ranganathan
(C) James I Wyer        (D) Samuel Rothstein

54) PERT was developed by :
 (A) The Navy special project office
(B) Booz Allen Hamelton
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

55) The 12 rules for relational database were given by:
 (A) Larvy Page
(B) Linus Tolward
(C) J. Bill Gates
(D) Edgar. F. Codd

56) Granthana is an official publication of :
 (A) ILA                      (B) IASLIC
(C) RRRLF               (D) APLA

57) Million Book Project was initiated by:
 (A) Pittsburg University
(B) Carnegie Mellon University
(D) Michigan University

58) The quotation “Where is the Wisdom, We Lost in Knowledge...” is by
(A) John Keats                        (B) M. P. Carter
(C) T. S. Eliot                         (D) Marshall McLuhan

59) CONPOLIS (India) was set up in the year
 (A) 1985                     (B) 1986
(C) 1987                      (D) 1988

60) First time efforts for the development of libraries in India were made
 (A) S. R. Ranganathan
(B) S. Radhakrishnan
(C) Sayaji Rao Gaekwad I
(D) Sayaji Rao Gaekwad III

61) Emerald full text Database is published from
 (A) USA                    (B) Germany
(C) France                   (D) U.K.

 62) Who propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference service” ?
 (A) William A Katz   (B) S. R. Ranganathan
(C) James I. Wyer     (D) R. Emery

 63) The term ‘Cyberspace’ was first used by
 (A) Andrew Pollock (B) William Gibson
(C) John Postal            (D) Joe Flower

64) “Libraries as Gateways to Knowledge” is the title of the document of
 (A) National Information Policy, 1986
(B) Information Technology Act, 2000
(C) National Knowledge Commission on Libraries, 2007
(D) None of the above

65) Bibliographical coupling is related to
 (A) Bibliometric studies
(B) Bibliography compilation
(C) Modes of subject formation
(D) Vocabulary control

 67) Which publication was not authored by S.R. Ranaganathan?
 (A) Prolegomena to library classification
(B) Reference Service
(C) Ramanujan : The man and the Mathematician
(D) Living with Books

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  1. Hi! I was looking for topics of Library Management System But this blog helped me lot for preparation. Thanks!


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