Librarikais a SaaS (software as a service) based smartIntegrated Library System (ILS)that is deployed on the Cloud.OPACis built on each Librarika libraries with easy to manage functionalities.
Librarika is Simple
We know how difficult it is for medium and small libraries to maintain installation of library software or cope with existing free and open source LIS systems. Even with the installation of a library software, management of OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) for some libraries become a great nightmare due to complexity in software, lack of infrastructure or lack of highly skilled library personals. That's why our goal is to make this platform as simple as possible so that every body can leverage the power of this LIS platform.
Librarika is Free
Librarika is free for all for up to 10,000 titles or records, however we may increase this limit for non-profit or charity organisations based on actual needs. Please visit Librarika Plans for more details on our packages.
Who can use Librarika?
Everybody! University library, college library, school library, corporate office, public library, private library, family library or even personal library can be maintained through Librarika. The possibilities is end less.
Who use Librarika?
Librarika ILS is already being used by universities, schools, colleges, non profits and many other organizations around the world. Different organizations are joining everyday, so please stay tuned.
Data Integration
As part of smart data handling technique, Librarika automatically collects cover photos and other biblio information from some renowned sources around the world. Our plan is simple and it is to make biblio data creation as easy as possible for librarians or library officials. We would like to give a special credit to the Open Library project for their open cover photo api.
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