

Advanced Koha: (05-11 April, 2025) - Hindi -    Apply before 25-03-2025 to avail Rs. 200 (25%) discount 👉 Register Now!

19 NET

1.      HTML has grown from its conception in the early 1990s
·         True
·         False
2.      Is Selection and Approval-Authoring- Storage-Conversion-Providing Access is the correct sequence of stages in creation and processing of documents to be disseminated through electronic and print media
·         True
·         False
3.      An organized collection of links to web-based e-resources made available through a web site is known as.
·         Digital Library
·         Virtual Library
·         Electronic Library
·         Hybrid Library
4.      How many bits are used for the character representation in ASCII?
·         8 Bits
·         16 Bits
·         24 Bits
·         4 Bits
5.      A combination of media types on a single document, including: text, graphics, animation, audio and video.
·         Hypermedia
·         Multimedia
·         Hypertext
·         Hyperlink
6.      What is full form of Library OPAC?
·         Online Public Access Catalogue
·         Online Publisher Access Catalogue
·         Online Publicly Access Catalogue
·         Online Publicly Available Catalogue
7.      Which markup language uses hypertext documents on the World Wide Web?
·         XML
·         XHTML
·         HTML
·         SGML
8.      Introduced in 1974, __________, was the first 8-bit microprocessor on a single chip that was used is a PC.
·         8080
·         80186
·         80286
·         80486
9.      MemEx system was designed by __________.
·         Vannevar Bush
·         Robert Noyce
·         John Mauchly
·         Douglas Engelbart
10.  One of the following companies does not manufacture microporcessors: like Intel, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Motorola
·         Intel
·         Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
·         Motorola
·         Hewlett & Packard
11.  Various components of an electronic circuit are placed onto a single "chip" of
·         Copper
·         Aluminium
·         Silicon
·         Platinum
12.  Xanadu System was designed by - - -
·         Ted Nelson
·         Tim Berners-Lee
·         Engelbart
·         Vannevar Bush
13.  Imaging technology used in digital scanners and digital camera is based on ________.
·         Silicon chip
·         Silicon-oxide
·         Blue Laser
·         Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
14.  Inventor of pointing device (mouse) in 1968 _________.
·         John Mauchly
·         J. Presper Eckert
·         Douglas Engelbart
·         Robert Noyce
15.  Material used in pen drives or USB drives or flash memory devices is ____________.
·         Metal-alloy
·         Carbon-oxide
·         Metal-oxide
·         Silicon-oxide
16.  One of the earliest examples of a digital repository is:
·         arXiv
·         Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive
·         NCSTRL
·         NDLTD
17.  The inventor of World Wide Web (WWW), the most significant development in the history of Internet was ____________.
·         Ted Nelson
·         Vannevar Bush
·         Douglas Engelbart
·         Tim Berners-Lee
18.  _____________ in libraries are considered as the first electronic resource in true sense.
·         Electronic Journals
·         Bibliographic Records
·         Electronic Books
·         Online Databases
19.  _______________ can be considered as precursor to the digital libraries.
·         Xanadu
·         Information retrieval systems (IRS)
·         DIALOG
·         Database Management System (DBMS)

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