

Advanced Koha: (05-11 April, 2025) - Hindi -    Apply before 25-03-2025 to avail Rs. 200 (25%) discount 👉 Register Now!

Rickshaw Library

Rickshaw Library

Bhadohi, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, is famous for its carpet industry. A large contingent of women works in carpet making units in the area. Majority of these workers are illiterate. But about 200 of them have by now learnt how to read, write and calculate under Label STEP projects. In order to maintain their literacy and enable them to apply whatever they have learnt in everyday life reading materials are now being brought to their villages by a rickshaw. An additional rickshaw library as well as four stationary libraries will be installed in those regions where Label STEP has already run adult education courses. The stationary libraries, where books can also be ordered will receive a telephone connection each and thus become an information centre in the village. Ten other libraries are supposed to be set up in existing schools of partner organizations which are active in carpet weaving regions.

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