

Advanced Koha: (05-11 April, 2025) - Hindi -    Apply before 25-03-2025 to avail Rs. 200 (25%) discount 👉 Register Now!

NET (National Eligibility Test) Series 10

1.     Action research means………..
A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
2.     A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called……………..
Inductive Reasoning
3.     Research is conducted to………….
·        Generate new knowledge
·        Obtain research degree
·        Reinterpret existing knowledge
4.     Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?
Socio-economic Status (B) Marital Status (C) Numerical Aptitude (D) Professional Attitude
5.     The essential qualities of a researcher are……………
·           Spirit of free enquiry
·           Reliance on observation and evidence
·           Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
6.     In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by……….
Selection of Research Tools
7.     A research paper is a brief report of research work based on………..
Both Primary and Secondary Data
8.     Who Invented the Dictionary Catalogue?
C. A. Cutter
9.     What is another name of Added entries?
Secondary entries
10.   When was MARC project completed?

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