

Advanced Koha: (05-11 April, 2025) - Hindi -    Apply before 25-03-2025 to avail Rs. 200 (25%) discount 👉 Register Now!

NET (National Eligibility Test) Series 12

1.     In which edition “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced?
DDC 17
2.     112.    What does LED stands for in CC?
Latest Effective Decade
3.     The Dewey Decimal Classification divides human knowledge into …………..
10 basic categories.
4.     Editor in Chief of 19, 20, 21, 22, 23th ed. of DDC?
Benjamin A. Custer              19
John P. Comaromi                20
Winton E. Matthews            21
John S. Mitchell                    22
John S. Mitchell                    23
5.     Who said the demand and supply theory of books?
Mc Colvin
6.     Theory X and Theory Y is developed by ……………….
Douglas Mc Gregor
7.     Herzberg’s theory deals with……………
8.     Who is the father of Scientific Management?
F.W. Taylor
9.     CPM (Critical Path Method) is developed by…………
Dupoint Company
10.  Theory X and Theory Y related to ……………..

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