

Advanced Koha: (05-11 April, 2025) - Hindi -    Apply before 25-03-2025 to avail Rs. 200 (25%) discount 👉 Register Now!

NET (National Eligibility Test) Series 22

1.     What is e-prints?
A repository Software
2.     What two is a Library Management Software for small libraries?
Library Solution and Follet
3.     What is APS?
A Full-text e-resourse
4.     One of Library and Information Science Journal name is……….
Reference Reviews incorporating ASLIB Book Guide
5.     "Shodhganga" is a national level repository of:
6.     One of the following is not an open source software :
·         D’space
·         Windows
·         Green-stone
·        Linux
7.     ”It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading space or support staff, but are that disseminate selective information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”. Said by whom?
8.     ”A library is a public institution or establishment charged with the care of collection of books, the duty of making them accessible to those who require the use of them and the task of converting every person in its neighborhood into a habitual library goers and reader of books.”Quoted by whom?
Dr S R Ranganathan
9.     Classification of all types of libraries has been made by-
10. ”Special libraries serve a specialist clientele, located within a single establishment or group and all engaged in working towards one common purpose.” Who said this

R.A stall

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