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Good news for JRF and SRF aspirants! UGC decides to hike fellowship amount

It must be a piece of good news for the aspirants who want to qualify the NET JRF and SRF exam this year or in the coming years. As the University Grants Commission has made a big announcement for JRF and SRF aspirants.
As per the notification released on 3rd June, UGC decided to hike the fellowship amount provided to the Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the scheme of UGC.

‘The University Grants Commission in is a 539th meeting held on 26th February 2019 considered and approved the revised rates of Fellowship amount under the UGC scheme or Junior Research Fellowship/ Senior Research Fellowship in Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (UGC-NET),’ read the notification.
As per the notification, the existing fellowship for JRF  was Rs 25,000 per month which is revised to Rs 31,000 per month. While the SRF fellowship is also hiked from Rs 28,000 to Rs 35,000 per month.
Candidates who would qualify the NET JRF will get a stipend for a period of two years while SRF qualified aspirants will get a fellowship for three years.
Source: Catchnews

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