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University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K organizes National Level Online Quiz Competition on Occasion of "National Librarians' Day - The 128th Birth Anniversary of Padma Shri.Dr.S.R.Ranganath-- The Father of Library Science. The link will be active from 10 .00 am to 6.00 pm on 17th August 2020.

P.G.Department of Library & Information Science,University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K organizes National Level  Online Quiz  Competition on  Occasion  of "National Librarians' Day - 
The 128th Birth Anniversary of Padma Shri.Dr.S.R.Ranganath-- The Father of Library Science.

Adhering the Social Distancing norms and other  SOP conditions as under Covid-19 , we all are at home and are engaged in working from home, so to augment this opportunity ,the Department of Library & Information Science  ,University of Jammu, Jammu, has organised  National Level Online Quiz  Competition on Occasion of National Librarians' Day .
The quiz is open to all like  Students, Scholars, Faculty, Library Professionals, Alumni , Parents etc. The quiz contains 25 questions, each question carries 2 marks .The participants  securing minimum  70% or above  in the quiz  will be awarded with an e-certificate that he/ she will receive on their mail within  7 to 8 days.
Kindly participate and also motivate other stakeholders for participation in the quiz.

Link for Participation : 

Please click on the above link for participation in  Online  Quiz. 

The link will be active from 10 .00 am to 6.00 pm on 17th August 2020.

Looking forward for your active participation.
Thank You  & Best Wishes !  

For any query drop a mail on:

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