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Exploring Dspace 7: Building Your Institutional Repository || Day and Date: 16-17 March 2024 (Saturday & Sunday) || Time: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm || Last date: 15-03-2024


DSpace Series-3

Exploring Dspace 7: Building Your Institutional Repository

Organized by: LibAuto- A Leading Library Automation & Digitization Company in India

Day and Date: 16-17 March 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (6:00 hours)

Last Date: 15 March 2024

Registration Fee: Rs. 550 (with video recording)

🌐 Link for Registration: 


Open-source Software and AI Tools: The Series of Virtual Training Programs

14+ Training Programs
65+ hours

👉 ✈ Packages

  1. Digital Library & Search Tool: DSpace, Calibre, VuFind (15% discount)
  2. Library Automation: Koha, SLiMS, e-Granthalaya (15% discount)
  3. Library Website: Google Sites, WordPress, Blogger (15% discount)
  4. Reference Management & Research Tools: Zotero, Mendeley, AI Tools for Research (15% discount)
  5. LIS Tools: AI Tools for Librarian, Social Networking (5% discount)

Package 1: (550+350+550)= 1400-210 (15%)= Rs.1190
Package 2: (550+550+500)= 1600-240 (15%)=  Rs.1360
Package 3: (500+500+350)= 1350-200 (15%)= Rs.1150
Package 4: (350+350+550)= 1250-180 (15%)= Rs. 1070
Package 5: (350+350)= 700-35 (5%)= Rs. 665

  • Enjoy a 5% discount on any two or more additional training programs of your choosing, apart from the aforementioned package.

👉Invite others to join the training programs and earn points for additional discounts!


Account Detail for Paying Registration Fee: 

Bank Account details
Account Holder: LibAuto
Account Number: 50200091760910
IFSC: HDFC0002784
Bank Branch: HDFC Bank, Kapurthala II

Phone Pay/Google Pay/ Paytm number 9463116032

UPI: 9463116032@paytm

🌐 Link for Registration:

✔️ Certificate Courses: LibAuto-CertificateCourse
✔️ PG/Diploma Courses: PG-Diploma-Courses

 After making the payment, please send a screenshot to
✔ Eligibility: Faculty, Researcher, LIS & IT Professionals, and Students.
✔ The medium of instruction for the training is English.
✔ Seats: Only 30 seats are available on a First- cum-First-Serve basis.
 E-certificate will be provided to the participants after the successful completion of the training.
✔ Confirmation will be sent to all registered candidates by e-mail/Whatsapp.
✔ All the sessions will be conducted on Zoom platforms.
✔ The video recording of the live session will be made available to all participants.

Join Whatsapp Community Group for Upcoming Events:

Please feel free to contact us for any queries.

LibAuto: -the smart library
(A Leading Library Automation Company in India)
Registration Number:- UDYAM-PB-11-0025691
Address: St. No-5, Nanak Nagri, Abohar- 152116 (Punjab)
Contact: 094631-16032


Content to be Covered

3. Exploring Dspace 7: Building Your Institutional Repository (DSpace Series- 3)
    1. Linux OS
    2. DSpace 7 installation on Ubuntu Linux OS
    3. Email configuration for DSpace
    4. Customization of DSpace Home Page
    5. User Registration in DSpace
    6. Managing DSpace user accounts
    7. Create Community and sub-community
    8. Create Collection
    9. DSpace Workflow & Submissions
    10. Item submission in DSpace
    11. Item Review in DSpace
    12. DSpace Administration & Customization
    13. Backup, Maintenance development, and up-gradation

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